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Total raised so far


£220.00 of £10,000 target +£17.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

3 days ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Be as a Dolphin, svelte and free. (Books Ash a pre swim full body wax)

5 days ago



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

You can do it!! Spiced rums on me to celebrate!!

1 week ago



Get in Ash! Smash that swim!

1 week ago



Ash's 3 mile swim

Event date: 5th September 2025

Ash Jenkins is raising money for CEREBRAL PALSY PLUS

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My story

Hi Everyone,
New year, same me, and for my next trick… a swimming challenge. A 3 mile open water swim, at Adam Walker’s lake.
This time it’s a 3 mile swim, as some of you might know the first swim challenge I completed was a mile back in 2016.
I’m doing it on the 5th September 2025, 9 nine years after the first swim.
Between then and now I’ve had spinal rods put in to straighten the curvature in my spine. Which was getting worse over the years due to my cerebral palsy.
I’ll be raising money for Cerebral Palsy Plus, a charity that raises awareness and helps all ages with cerebral palsy. Bristol-based which is also a bonus! One I’ve been involved with before.
A lot of people don’t know there are many hidden signs, symptoms and afflictions that come on later in life with cerebral palsy and the charity really helps raise awareness to things like that.
So please give what you can i really appreciate every donation let’s hope I’ve not bitten off more than I can chew. As chewing and swimming don’t mix!
Thanks so much

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Ash Jenkins is fundraising for


Charity number: 1070079

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