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Help us donate to build a decent house
Event dates: 20th July 2024 – 31st December 2024
Rosad Afizar is raising money for Amal
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My story
Hello, I'm Rosad from Indonesia. I'm 29 years old, I work as a factory employee, I have a new baby, 6 months old.
My goal here is to raise funds amounting to £20000 which I will later use to build a house which has long been badly damaged due to the fact that it is rotting with age.
And now my income is decreasing from year to year. We always live depending on monthly salary income, not to mention that I have responsibilities for my family's needs, starting from buying milk, family needs and so on.
I have no other choice, my debts are everywhere and have reached tens of millions, I hope and really hope for your help
And my family and I want to have a house, because for 10 years we lived in a relative's house
If you would like to donate a little or a lot of money, it would be very valuable for my family.
My family and I are very grateful, and will always pray that God will reward you with your kindness and double your income
If you want to donate directly you can send directly via my PayPal below..
WhatsApp: 081212696258
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Rosad Afizar is fundraising for
Charity number: 1190887