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This page is closed and is not accepting further donations

Total raised so far


£80.00 of £1 target +£16.25 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

3rd September 2014



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

1st September 2014



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

25th August 2014



Insha'Allah you both do well :)

17th August 2014

Batman ;)


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck! May Allah swt help you on this amazing journey xx

12th August 2014



+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Bon voyage and all the best!

Biker Boys

Event date: 1st September 2014

Hussain Sheik is raising money for WaterAid

My story

A couple of cousins embarking into the wilderness on a wild adventure of cycling the coastline of France to Portugal. While camping 5-6days a week under the pitch black, star lit skies, sleeping to the sound of the ocean waves caressing the shores of our temporary new homes!

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto WaterAid.



Charity number: 288701

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