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This page is closed and is not accepting further donations

Total raised so far


£219.10 of £1,000 target +£27.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Tuesday 25th September 2018

Colleen Brannon


Solidarity from the Isle of Wight Labour Party

Tuesday 10th July 2018

Collleen Brannon


From IW Labour Party members with love x

Friday 4th May 2018

John Brownscombe


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Hope this small donation can help.

Tuesday 1st May 2018

Mabel Mundy


Tuesday 1st May 2018



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Every penny helps!

Tuesday 1st May 2018

Sue Sharp


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Hope you reach the target xx

Tuesday 1st May 2018

J moore


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Save Breakout on the Isle of Wight!

Event dates: 23rd March 2018 – 31st May 2019

This page is raising money for Breakout Youth

My story

Breakout Youth, a small Hampshire based charity, first came to the Isle of Wight in 2015 as part of the Youth Offer, where the charity provided the delivery of free and confidential fortnightly support groups for LGBTQ+ young people, in addition to one-to-one support and teacher training. Such services have provided an essential support network and a safe place for vulnerable and isolated LGBTQ+ young people, helping them to explore and resolve issues affecting their lives.

Following the news that there would be no Youth Offer funding after 31st March 2018, Breakout Youth have been working hard to seek new and additional funding. The Trustees of the charity will be using limited reserves to extend the support groups on the Isle of Wight for a further 2 months, however the fate of Breakout Youth on the Island looks bleak.

With this in mind, if you would like to support Breakout Youth and the future of LGBT services on the Isle of Wight, any donation would be greatly received!

To get in touch with Breakout visit: 02380 224 224.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Breakout Youth.

Breakout Youth is fundraising for

Breakout Youth

Charity number: 1180296

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