Friday 3rd December 2010
Well done Charmaine and thank you!
This page is closed and is not accepting further donations
Friday 3rd December 2010
Well done Charmaine and thank you!
Tuesday 30th November 2010
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Well Done Cuz!
Thursday 25th November 2010
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Well Done Chicken
Wednesday 24th November 2010
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Well Done Niece - So Proud of you!
Wednesday 24th November 2010
Well done - on behalf of two supporters
Thursday 28th October 2010
Well done
Thursday 30th September 2010
Well done
Sunday 26th September 2010
You're amazing!
Friday 24th September 2010
Thank you Charmaine
Thursday 23rd September 2010
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Very proud of you niece!
Event date: 3rd September 2010
Charmaine is raising money for Rushey Green Time Bank
My name is Charmaine and I am the Time Broker at Rushey Green Time Bank. Our aim is to empower local residents to improve their own health and sense of well-being, and thus improve the health of the community as a whole.
By the principles of co-production, valuing people and recognising them as assets, Rushey Green Time Bank is commited to increasing the 'core economy', those aspects of family and community that through reciprocity, equity, trust, love and care for each other generate wellbeing to sustain the human family. As one act of kindness leads to another, the core economy grows through a chain reaction caused by healthy and productive relationships that bind us together and provide a strong incentive to care for our planet.
I will be doing a Tandem Skydive from 12,000 feet on Fri 3rd Sept 2010.
Simply because I am passionate about people and building communities!
The proceeds raised from my skydive, will go towards funds to sustain our time bank and generate money that is not restricted by 'specific' funding streams, but can be directly used according to the ideas, wishes and requests of our members.
We will be able to use this money to support new groups, activities, social events, outings and resources that can empower our members to make things happen for themselves!
Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Rushey Green Time Bank.