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Total raised so far


£10.09 of £500 target +£2.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Friday 10th June 2011

Louanne Roberts


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good Luck!

ICT Leeds - Knaresbourgh Bed Race 2011

Event date: 11th June 2011

DenRamsden is raising money for Voluntary Action Leeds

My story

ICT have been running this race for a number of years, and train hard every year. This year we are hoping to have a new and improved (faster) bed and come in the top numbers.We are raising money for The Lord Mayor of Leeds charity, Voluntary Action Leeds, so please give as much as you can.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Voluntary Action Leeds.

DenRamsden is fundraising for

Voluntary Action Leeds

Charity number: 225863

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