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Total raised so far


£820.00 of £700 target +£132.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

28th October 2023



+ £2.50 Gift Aid


27th October 2023

Ed Maxwell


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Row for it girls!

27th October 2023



+ £7.50 Gift Aid

Happy paddling, you two - may the tide be with you!

27th October 2023

Jo Shippen


Proud of you Soph. Good luck both of you xx

27th October 2023

Grace Munro


Good luck gals!!!!

27th October 2023



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Paddle Paddle as fast as you can!!! Good luck guys xxxx

27th October 2023

Luke M.


Might as well get you to 100% - Good luck guys

27th October 2023

Joe H


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck, hope the wind is blowing in the right direction!

26th October 2023

Sean Pearce


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

26th October 2023

Olivia Sparey



Emily and Sophia's VCCP Thames Challenge

Event date: 27th October 2023

Emily Miles + Sophia Johnson is raising money for The Change Foundation

My story

Thank you for visiting our page!

You know when the coffee's kicked in and you reply to a work email a bit too eagerly without really thinking about what you're signing yourself up for? Well, this donation page is a result of that. Good job we're up for the challenge! And what a challenge it is. 

We're taking on the Mighty Thames, aka kayaking 20km from Greenwich to Battersea to raise some money in aid of The Change Foundation on the 21st of September.

The Change Foundation is an award-winning charity that uses sport to change the lives of marginalised young people. (More about this amazing charity and the incredible work they do below.) 

For context, we can count the combined amount of hours we've ever spent in a kayak on one hand. But we've been assured by Lasers amazing achievement last year that we can do anything we set our minds and biceps to. 

This is not a pedalo in Regents Park We're really going for it. Any donations, shares, likes and general encouragement will be hugely appreciated to support this amazing charity.

The route conveniently ends by a pub, so please join us for a celebratory pint or two! (Please get in touch for the address) 

Thanks again, Em + Soph xxxx 

The Change Foundation: Throughout the past 40-years they have successfully delivered award-winning sports intervention programmes to vulnerable young people living in the UK and abroad. The programmes are designed and delivered by young people with lived experience, tackling issues relevant to young people today. Full list of programmes can be found [] (here.)

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto The Change Foundation.


The Change Foundation

Charity number: 1046047


VCCP Thames River Kayak - October 27th

27th October 2023

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