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Food donation at four major churches
Event dates: 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2025
Shankar Reddy Jampala are raising money for Mental Health Foundation
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Our story
There are four main Jesus churches in Chittoor district since 600 years ago. People from rural areas come to these churches to pray to Jesus. The villages do not have roads and there is no bus facility. People from villages walk 5 kilometers to the churches to pray to Jesus. People from different castes come to the churches to pray to Jesus. On Saturday night, they come to the nearest church to pray to Jesus and the next day, they pray to Jesus in the church and go to their homes. Many poor people, sick, old people, beggars and disabled people come to pray to Jesus. Our organization has noticed that the Jesus devotees who come for prayer are hungry and we are donating food to the Jesus devotees who come to the Jesus churches. The food donation for 1000 Jesus devotees in the four main churches costs £2000 for four Sundays. Please help our organization with this food donation.
Thanks and Regards
Shankar Reddy Jampala
Rural Physically Handicapped Centre For Rehabilitation
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