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Total raised so far


£5,205.00 of £1,000 target +£218.75 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

8th February 2024

The Waltzer!


+ £2.50 Gift Aid


7th February 2024

Lorraine & Sandy


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Well done! Such amazing effort and great cause

7th February 2024

Helen Bell


6th February 2024

Grandad Dave & Granny Jan ❤️


+ £31.25 Gift Aid

Another wee push to take us over the £1000 target 😀 This should hopefully get us pretty close to an amazing £5000 total. Thank you Scott & Danielle for all your hard work, and also to all those who donated ❤️ please don't stop, every little helps 🙏 Freya Lennon we love you so much 😍😍

6th February 2024

Catherine Cruickshank


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Freya you are just amazing. Well done to Scott and Danielle for setting up this amazing charities.

6th February 2024

David and Rona Pirnie


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Something to help you reach your target

6th February 2024

Rebecca Forbes


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

6th February 2024

Diane Donaldson


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

5th February 2024

Christine Mitchell


5th February 2024

Julie Lennon


+ £2.50 Gift Aid


Freya’s Race Night

Event date: 3rd February 2024

Danielle Lennon is raising money for Tiny Tickers and Crossbasket House

My story

Hello all ❤️
Our darling Freya was born with a congenital heart condition - Tetralogy of Fallot. From diagnosis at 22 weeks gestation we knew that she would need open heart surgery to repair this. We are so proud at how she has handled everything and she is absolutely thriving post surgery.
At times it didn’t feel it but we know how lucky we are to have had a baby today where equipment is so advanced and people are so skilled that congenital heart conditions can be detected before birth, and give babies the best possible chance at living with their condition.
Tiny tickers is a charity which provides extra training to sonographers to enable them to detect conditions like Freya’s at the 20 week scan. They also provide excellent information resources for families and amazing support. Fortunately or unfortunately (we’ve yet to decide) Scott and I understood the cardiology terminology but hearing words such as congenital heart, pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal defect, overriding aorta, cyanotic spells, open heart surgery, bypass.. being spoken about our unborn baby was terrifying. We can only imagine how scary it would having never heard these words before but the information Tiny Tickers provided explained things so well and made it easy to understand.

Freya was born in Glasgow and throughout her care in NICU and again when she had surgery, we were able to stay in Glasgow’s Ronald McDonald House at no expense to us. This amazing place relies solely on donations and provides a comfortable stay with all the homely necessities allowing families with a child in hospital to rest and cook, or just have time away from the hospital environment. The wonderful staff always provide a friendly smile and go above and beyond to help.
We have witnessed the work of many amazing charities since Freya’s diagnosis but these two have stood out for us.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Tiny Tickers and Crossbasket House.

My 2 charities

Tiny Tickers

Charity number: 1078114

Crossbasket House

Charity number: SC023199 Scottish charity

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