6 years ago
Simon Trippett
+ £15.00 Gift Aid
Sorry the donation is late - i hope it went well
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6 years ago
+ £15.00 Gift Aid
Sorry the donation is late - i hope it went well
6 years ago
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
Well done great cause
6 years ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Well Done!
6 years ago
+ £6.36 Gift Aid
Well done
6 years ago
Well done Dave!
6 years ago
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Well done sweet! Every year you do amazing raising money. Xx
6 years ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Hope you did ok Dave,sure you did!!you are an inspiration!!
6 years ago
+ £3.75 Gift Aid
Fab work Dave!
6 years ago
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
Congratulations Dave! Smashed it again in memory of your mum
6 years ago
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Well done!
Event date: 23rd June 2018
David Waine is raising money for Firsthand Lothian
Hilary Daniel was my beloved Mother and friend who sadly past away 2/3/15. She had a very rare form of cancer called a Sarcoma which is extremely aggressive and makes up only 1% of cancers.
Hilary was a bright, bubbly, happy and positive person who brought so much joy into everybody's lives she touched. She was selfless and loving and turned every negative into a positive.
Sadly on my Mums honeymoon in Corfu she got rushed to hospital just 3 days in to it with problems and later found out that she had cancer (Sarcoma) in her uterus. She had an operation to remove her uterus and had radiation treatment.
Unfortunately 2 years afterwards the cancer was back with a vengeance, and had formed a tumour in her pelvis. She had to go back to hospital for an operation to remove the sarcoma.
We all got on with life and my wife and I gave my Mum the news that we were expecting our first baby in February 2015 and she was going to be a Grandma again. My Mum had been waiting all her life for her youngest child (me) to have a baby! Finally we had some good news and something to cling on to.
Things were good and we decided to surprise Mum and come home for Christmas 2014 to spend it with her and all the family. We were all excited and my wife was heavily pregnant. Mum was feeling Carly's bump and we were all happy.
On Boxing day Mum didn't feel very well and went in to hospital again, only to find out that the cancer had returned in 5 places and that the sarcomas were all over her body. The doctors said there was nothing they could do and that she only had a few months to live!
It crushed our whole world and was very hard to understand what was happening. I spent that new years eve with my Mum on our own and didn't know what to do.
As the new year began in January 2015 things became clear that Mum was becoming very unwell. I managed to get some time off work and spend as much time with her as possible.
It wasn't long before Mum could not leave the house and had to get a hospital bed put in with 24 hour care coming to her home.
At this point my wife was too far pregnant to travel the 3 hours back to see my Mum and had to say goodbye to her on her last visit a few weeks before her due date. I carried on coming back each week until the due date.
Our baby Harrison was due on 19th February 2015 and our only hope was that my Mum would get to meet and hold Harrison before she past away.
February 19th came and no sign of baby Harrison. My Mum was permanently in her hospital bed with 2 syringe drivers pumping her full of drugs to ease her pain. The 5 sarcoma tumours were growing at such a rate they were taking over her body and she had to get the drugs upped regularly.
I had to stop visiting Mum by then as I had to be with my wife. I was speaking to her everyday just hoping that Harrison would be born so I could give her good news.
11 long days went past and finally at 04:36 on 1st March 2015 our little baby Harrison was born and was a healthy 9lb 13oz baby! I took pictures and sent them to my Mums husband David Daniel to show her when she woke up that morning. I called her at 9am with the news that she was a Grandma again and it was so lovely to hear the excitement in her voice.
That evening as we were in our hospital ward I decided to Skype my Mum so that she could see baby Harrison. She was able to Skype us for 10 minutes and I held the camera up to his little face for ages.
I could see my Mum was not looking well, but I was just pleased that she got to see him.
The next day 2nd March 2015 I got a phone call from my Sister to say that Mum had been really ill over night and the doctor said she had only 24 hours to live.
I left my wife and baby at the hospital and rushed back to my Mums house. I got there at about 5pm and my Mum could hardly breathe or communicate. She had candles lit in her room and all her family around her.
I sat holding her hand for hours and talking to her. She could not speak due to the massive doses of drugs she was on. It was a very sad few hours and I was holding my Mums hand when she took her last breathe.
She died at 10pm that night.
I am pleased that she got to see pictures of her grandson and she knew he was safe. It was all Mum was holding on for to make sure he was safe and well.
My Mum was a fighter and a true inspiration to us all. She fought and fought to make sure her Grandson was safe and let go the next day.
Hilary was only 60 years old and enjoyed life so much and loved her family and friends. She was the most happy and positive person I have ever met and was a bright ray of sunshine on anyone's rainy day.
I don't understand why such a great person had to be taken away so early. We still had so much we had not done together. My son Harrison and his new little brother who is now about to have his 2nd birthday are never going to have my mum to play with. My mum was born to love and she would have been the best Grandma to our children and it hurts me so much to know she will never be here.
I loved my Mum so much and still do! She is greatly missed every second of everyday! Over 3 years on and it is still very raw!
I have designed a workout to test me and push me to my absolute limit! I have done this 3 times now and both times were pretty tough! I will be doing it on my Mums birthday (or as close to) every year to raise money for charity.
My lovely little boy Harrison was born profoundly deaf and will never be able to hear anything. This is just the tip of the iceberg for the problems he has and has be diagnosed with PTCD which is a very rare condition that being profoundly deaf is just one of the characteristics.
Firsthand Lothian have been so good to our family by giving us respite each week to learn British Sign Language so that we can communicate with Harrison and teach him his language.
So on the 23rd June 2018 I will be taking on 'Hilary the workout' for the 4th time . 1954 reps of bootcamp style exercises at Edinburgh Bootcamp to represent the year Hilary was born, 60 reps of each big exercise to represent the age she lived to followed by a 13.1 mile run (half marathon) as a finisher. My first year I jogged down the river Thames and the last 2 years I ran around the beautiful Pentland hills in Edinburgh. I will running the same route again this year.
I will be doing this on my own so any company would be appreciated! If anyone fancies joining in the workout or just part or all of the run. Just let me know if you want to join in.
Thank you all for taking time to read my story.
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