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Total raised so far

£190.91 See breakdown

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Patsy Riggs is raising money for Ataxia UK

My story

Although the main purpose of this group is to support members with our monthly meetings and newsletters, we do fundraise and raise awareness wherever possible. During covid restrictions groups are meeting virtually. I have stood down as Coordinator but am now an Ataxia UK Befriending Volunteer. Any donations will go directly to Ataxia UK.

We marked International awareness day with the usual get together at The Holiday Inn, Ipswich and inviting family, friends and the general public to help us build our funds by donating to Ataxia UK.

If you would like to make a general donation to Ataxia UK, just click the green button at the top of this page. Thank you.

All donations are very welcome.

New members always welcome.

Thank you. Patsy Riggs

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Ataxia UK.

My updates

Sunday 7th June 2020

Although lockdown has prevented our group from physical meetings, we keep in touch by newsletter, emails and social media.


Ataxia UK

Charity number: 1102391

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