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This page is closed and is not accepting further donations

Total raised so far


£283.84 of £1,000 target +£70.31 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

19th March 2012

Sam Hall


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

12th March 2012

Jeremy Blackmore


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Well done Jo, fantastic achievement.

10th March 2012

Judith Shackell


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Go girlies! Thinking of you both, all of love, J, A & L

10th March 2012



+ £3.06 Gift Aid

10th March 2012

Emma Edwards


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck ladies!

9th March 2012

Steve Ward


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck Vickers!! x

9th March 2012

Tom Brewer


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Good Luck Jo!

9th March 2012

Neil Stewart


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

6th March 2012

vinod chhillar


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

all the very best for the Marathon......

6th March 2012

mark spreadbury


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

good luck

Jo and Gill are running the bath Half Marathon

Event date: 11th March 2012

Joanne Vickers is raising money for The Coopers Edge Trust

My story

The Coopers Edge Trust is a charity very close to our hearts, because love the community in which we live and we want to continue to help make it a better place.
The Coopers Edge Trust aims to provide all members of the Coopers Edge community with opportunities to achieve their full potential. They want to provide all residents, regardless of their social background, with the opportunity to:

  • be healthy;
  • live in a safe community;
  • enjoy and achieve, through training and education available to all ages;
  • make a positive contribution to the community; and
  • achieve economic wellbeing.
    Practically this is achieved through employing a community organiser, setting up activities to run in the school holidays, supporting community clean up days, providing courses and classes and supporting the establishment of clubs and groups within Coopers Edge.
    Last year we were successful in achieving funding through the Neighbourhood Challenge programme which has enabled us to make a huge difference, but to do the same in 2012 we have a fundraising mountain to climb. So we are setting off to run the Bath Half Marathon and asking you to sponsor us. When we started running in the summer we could only run for two minutes at a time, to do this we need to run for at least two hours! So please support us

Jo and Gill xxxxx

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The Coopers Edge Trust

Charity number: 1142679

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