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Total raised so far


£440.01 of £500 target +£107.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Tuesday 20th April 2010



Off-line Donation_(K)

Tuesday 20th April 2010



+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Off-line Donation_(JW)

Wednesday 7th April 2010



+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Off-line Donation_(SB)

Wednesday 7th April 2010



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

Off-line Donation_(RV)

Tuesday 30th March 2010



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Off-line Donation_(SM)

Tuesday 30th March 2010



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Off-line Donation_(GM)

Monday 29th March 2010

William Meghoma


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well done!

Sunday 28th March 2010



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Off-line Donation_(KB)

Sunday 28th March 2010



Off-line Donation_(MMC)

Sunday 28th March 2010



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Off-line Donation_Christa M.

Running the Lisbon Mini Marathon on Sunday 21 March 2010

Event date: 21st March 2010

Jose Veiga is raising money for Manor Gardens Welfare Trust Ltd

My story

I will be running 7,2 km in Lisbon Portugal on Sunday 21 March 2010.

I am raising money for Manor Gardens Centre (MGC), based in Islington, North London.

Manor Gardens Centre in Islington has pioneered community healthcare projects for nearly 100 years. Today it is a unique community health centre incorporating a wide range of services. Manor Gardens Centre?s projects are innovative and carefully targeted at the most disadvantaged groups in our community. The projects at MGC are:

PRE-SCHOOL - The Pre-school caters for children 2.5 years to 5 years. It has 12 children full-time and 24 children part time.

COMMUNITY KITCHENS PROJECT - CKP aims to promote healthy eating, make healthy food more available and create training / employment opportunities. It has a Health Trainer service, weight management course, cook and taste sessions and has stalls at various events promoting healthy eating.

THE GARDENS CAFE is a social enterprise, providing fresh, healthy, tasty and good value meals in a welcoming environment. It uses fair trade, seasonal produce and local suppliers where possible. Only Free Range Eggs are used.

HEART & STROKE PROJECT aims to empower and improve the quality of life in the community for stroke survivors and people with long-term heart conditions, through addressing each individual's expressed needs.

HEALTH ADVOCACY PROJECT is an interpreting and advocacy service provided by highly trained volunteers, which aims to increase access to primary health care provision and improve the employability of refugee and asylum seeking groups.

Three schemes providing a befriending service utilising volunteers. One scheme specifically aimed at older people living with mental health issues offering respite to their carers who normally live and are for them. The original scheme helping older, isolated people and some younger physically disabled people who are on their own, normally in the form of home visits and outings. The Third scheme is a telephone befriending project aimed at older people living in the north of Islington and is called the Friendship Phone Network.

Please give as generously as you can

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Manor Gardens Welfare Trust Ltd.

Jose Veiga is fundraising for

Manor Gardens Welfare Trust Ltd

Charity number: 1063053

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