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Total raised so far

£3,305.00 +£702.91 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

1 year ago



+ £12.50 Gift Aid

1 year ago

Sherryl Woods


+ £75.00 Gift Aid

Absolutely amazing - well done both

1 year ago

Jane @Learnology


A truly awesome achievement!!

1 year ago

Nick, Anna, Paige and Gabriel


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

1 year ago

Nina Kerkez


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well done on your swim - amazing achievements!

1 year ago

Darren & Jenny Smith


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Huge congratulations such an amazing achievement

1 year ago

Annie & Will


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Incredible achievement!

1 year ago

Alan Mac


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

1 year ago

Rebecca Gough


1 year ago

Claire Melluish


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Well done guys, what an achievement xx

Kat & Jase's Lake Windermere Swim

Event date: 9th July 2023

Kat Middleton & Jase Cripps are raising money for Motor Neurone Disease Association and Dementia UK

Our story

On Sunday 9th July, we completed our Two way 21 mile swim of Lake Windermere. That’s English Channel distance.

We would love for our efforts to benefit good causes. We have selected 2 charities, Dementia UK and the Motor Neurone Disease Association, whose work supports people special to us. Donations would be greatly appreciated and make a massive difference to these charities.

Seeing our efforts benefit these two great charities and causes will make the hundreds of swim training hours and miles in cold water all the more worthwhile.

Thank you

Kat and Jase

Thank you for checking out our page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Motor Neurone Disease Association and Dementia UK.

Our updates

1 year ago

The day after the day before … We completed this Epic swim challenge together, raising £2700 (+ gift aid) in the process for two special causes ... thank you to everyone for their amazing support and donations.

Now travelling home and reflecting on our journey together over the last 9 months all from a morning coffee after pool training. Without question or doubt we agreed the best challenge was a two way Windermere swim - the date was set and training / preparations started. Although it wasn't until April 23 that we started Open Water training with Kat starting a good 6 weeks before me (I am a big wimp for cold water!!).

We had a plan, kept to the training plan, swimming some 400+kms and executed our swim plan for the day, feeding every hour and just swimming. Big thank you to the swim gods on the day "Nemo & Dory" who gave us the best weather possible.

So we set off on what was a calm flat lake - beautiful conditions - full of nervous energy not knowing really what the day ahead would bring, how our bodies would react to 21miles of swimming, what the weather would be like, did we have our food strategy right and 100% positive we would complete this on our day in the lake.

The first 4 hours flew by, apart from the odd wake boarder making our journey some what choppy, and at some point we did upset the gods as the wind picked up, turned into a head wind and for a fleeting moment we were back sea swimming with waves and white horses. The journey from that point to Fell Foot seemed like it would never end. Our boat crew advised "... its not far now and head for the yellow doughnut in the water". Well neither of us could see the legendary doughnut for another 2 hrs it was that far away!!

It was simply amazing and always a motivational, inspirational rush to see our family Andy, Jude and Emily either on the side of the lake, waving at us from a passing ferry or shouting motivational support "hurry up or we will miss pub closing time" through out the day.

Having completed one-way still feeling great it was time to turn back and complete the second leg of this epic challenge. Half way back the weather started to change with rain and lightning threatening to end our journey early. With added motivation to get this done without being hauled out we refocused and cracked on with 3 hrs to go (ish). We started to get cold and that last hour seemed like it would never end with the small pier in the distance seemingly moving further and further away with every stroke.

However 14 hours later, many laughs, smiles and fun along the way we turned the end of the pier to see our families again at the finish. After lying down for 14 hours our greatest challenge laid in front of us. Standing up and getting out of the water - it was like a pair of Trevor Berbeck's trying to get up after being hit my Mike Tyson … a bit wobbly on our feet.

Then it was time to get warm quickly and back for Cottage pie (brilliant Chef Andy) and a cuppa of tea to end the day with plenty of great stories from our Support Team and ourselves. And so with the day behind us, slightly sore muscles, aches and pains it was 11pm and off to bed. A bit of restless sleep and at 4am Kat and I had a team chat over toast in the kitchen as we continued to snack and replenish our energies and reflect amazing journey together and laughing about our time in the water.

As athletes we all know the sacrifices we make to train for events - however massive recognition and thanks must go to our families and friends who sacrifice so much more to support us. They truly do make the biggest difference, never wanting to take the limelight, always there to support you in your hour of need, always ready to do what it takes to make you a success, selfless dedication to your cause and just the greatest joy in celebrating your success. We thank not only our support team but all support teams / crews that make these things possible.

Over and out until the next time.

Kat and Jase

1 year ago

Thank you for your great support and donations to our Windermere challenge that we start at 06:45 tomorrow.

Here is a link to the GPS tracker that will go live when we start, should you like to follow our progress.

Kat & Jase

Our 2 charities

Motor Neurone Disease Association

Charity number: 294354

Dementia UK

Charity number: 1039404

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