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£20.00 of £500 target See breakdown

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Fundraising for Leeds Castle Trip

Darren Latty is raising money for Evergreen Care UK

My story

We are currently raising funds for a coach trip to Leeds Castle and Gardens in Kent, and we need your support.

Your generous donation to Evergreen Care UK can make a significant difference in the life of someone in our community.

Our goal is to ensure that all older people in our community live fulfilled and independent lives by eliminating isolation, loneliness, and vulnerability.

By supporting us, you can help us achieve our mission of providing opportunities for older people to live a fruitful life.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Evergreen Care UK.

Darren Latty is fundraising for

Evergreen Care UK

Charity number: 1154595

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