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Legal Advice Centre (University House)

Event dates: 12th April 2010 – 12th April 2011

Folusho Fabowale-Makinde is raising money for THE LEGAL ADVICE CENTRE(UNIVERSITY HOUSE)

My story

University House Legal Advice Centre is one of the oldest legal advice agencies in London, founded in 1941, and was the first one to be established in Bethnal Green. The Legal Advice Centre provides a free and independent legal advice service to people who live or work in Tower Hamlets and South Hackney. This website provides more information about University House Legal Advice Centre, gives further information on the type of advice which can be given and also includes some useful links. It also includes a user area for University House Legal Advice Centre Volunteers.

Please give generously, so the centre can continue it's amazing work in the area.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto THE LEGAL ADVICE CENTRE(UNIVERSITY HOUSE).

Folusho Fabowale-Makinde is fundraising for


Charity number: 1061182

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