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This page is closed and is not accepting further donations

Total raised so far


£895.00 of £750 target See breakdown

Recent donations

Monday 18th December 2023

Kathryn Jacobus


You're amazing!

Friday 15th December 2023



Well done Katy!

Thursday 14th December 2023



Well done Amy!

Tuesday 12th December 2023



Well done all, fantastic work

Tuesday 12th December 2023



Tuesday 12th December 2023

Kirsty J


Well done on completing your walk! Hope you raise enough to get your new van!

Tuesday 12th December 2023

Louise Robinson


How fab are you three. Target hit and smashed. Hopefully this will ease the pain of those blisters and aching muscles. You are doing amazing work. To give someone hope, is the greatest gift of all; because with hope in your heart you can achieve miracles. Thank you.

Tuesday 12th December 2023

Debbie Berriman


Well done all! Amazing walk!

Tuesday 12th December 2023



You are all amazing

Monday 11th December 2023

Vicky Hayden


Well done Amy! X

Making Miles Matter

Event date: 11th December 2023

The Tortworth team are raising money for Tortworth Forest Centre CIC

Our story

Hello, we are Amy, Katy and Alice and we work at Tortworth Forest Centre, a beautiful arboretum in South Gloucestershire. On Monday we will take the day off work to....Walk to work!

Our projects support people in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction and struggling with poor mental health and social isolation. To ensure that people without access to a car can still get support we offer a free minibus from various locations in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Unfortunately, our minibus is on it's last legs (or wheels!) and in desperate need of replacement.

To show how inaccessible Tortworth is without the minibus the three of us are walking to the arboretum from Bristol on Monday 11th December.

If we didn't have a minibus, 9 out of 13 of our current Hawthorn Project participants wouldn't be able to get to Tortworth for their weekly group.

Here's what our participants have to say about why the minibus is important to them:

"I would be lost without the minibus, I couldn’t come. I’ve been coming here for 10 years and this project changed my life. I look forward to getting on that bus every Wednesday."

"I wouldn’t be able to come without the minibus, I really struggle to get on public transport when I'm feeling unwell."

"I wouldn’t be able to come without the minibus. It’s tree heaven, I don’t want to leave, it’s amazing, it’s home."

"It's very useful and participants wouldn't otherwise be able to get there. Very beneficial for inner city patients to access green space outside the city and I have been aware of very few projects who offer this in the past, so it's a really excellent service." A social prescriber who refers participants to our groups.

The plan
The minibus route from Bristol to the arboretum is around 15 miles along busy roads with no footpaths.

To ensure the safety of the team we'll be going cross country as much as possible, which adds around two hours to the total travel time and makes a route of 18.6 miles. There are fewer than 8 hours of daylight in December, so it really would be an impossible task for volunteers, project participants and staff to get to and from the weekly wellbeing groups safely without the minibus.

All donations, shares and messages of support welcome!

Thank you for checking out our page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Tortworth Forest Centre CIC.

Our updates

Tuesday 12th December 2023

We did it!!! Slightly shorter than anticipated as the very muddy Frome Valley path slowed us down so much that we switched to the road route to save some time. But 7.5 hours, and 26.9km (just over 16.5miles) of walking complete.

Thank you for all the messages of support and generous donations. They really did boost us along the way!

Image uploaded with update

The Tortworth team are fundraising for

Tortworth Forest Centre CIC

Charity number: 09561405 CIC

The Tortworth team are fundraising as part of

Minibus Fundraising Raffle

Powered by Strava
2 3 . 7 km Total distance

More great ways you can raise funds