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This page is closed and is not accepting further donations

Total raised so far


£430.74 of £400 target +£40.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

12 years ago



+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Commited to make this centre work

12 years ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Rach S-B

12 years ago



upped my target to £400

13 years ago



+ £6.25 Gift Aid

you are amazing.......despite your suffering you do this

13 years ago

Rach Stowell-Birch


well done on your fundraising efforts. xx

13 years ago

John Allen


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

For my son: Geofferoo

13 years ago

Rach S-B


13 years ago

Isobel Alexander


Hope this makes the target, good luck !

13 years ago



+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Pledge to donation

13 years ago



Thank you for the donation when you came to visit Rachel :-)

M.E. is not for Wimps

Event dates: 21st August 2011 – 30th November 2014

Carmel is raising money for Invest in ME Research

My story

There are way over 250,000 sufferers of M.E. in the UK with about 25% classified as being severely affected, i.e. bed/house-bound. Each sufferer is a member of a family affected by M.E. I have personal experience of living with M.E so I understand what devastating effect this illness can have on someones life, their family and friends.
I am raising funds and also raising awareness into ME with the medical professions, by leaving literature at my local doctors and hospital.
I was recently in hospital; Suffering severe chest pains and breathlessness. I came up against some doctors who had never heard of ME or CFS, the first night of my stay I was almost sent home, until I collapsed after being made to walk up the corridor. The next day until I explained my old job as an Advance Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist that was struck down with Viral Meningitis several times and then went onto develop ME, was I then given the respect I deserved. The consultant I went onto see and his team were marvellous and without their support I may not be here to tell this story, as he knew about ME and looked beyond my ME and treated my condition as an individual. I do not want this to happen to anyone else, we need to get together to dig deep ourselves. I would be very grateful if you are able to donate something and support me in making this centre real, making ME known as a disabling illness with treatment for us all.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Invest in ME Research.

Carmel is fundraising for

Invest in ME Research

Charity number: 1153730

More great ways you can raise funds