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Total raised so far


£500.00 of £716 target +£107.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

15th November 2021

Leona Munyati


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

A worthy cause that deserves as much support as possible

14th November 2021



+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Good luck

19th October 2021

Gerry Baker


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

To celebrate your 70th it is good that children in India will benefit.

17th October 2021

Sophie Lewis


+ £17.50 Gift Aid

16th October 2021

Rayyan, Atiya & Ayanah


+ £17.50 Gift Aid

Thank you for the love & light you spread in our family & the world. Love always Rayyan, Atiya & Ayanah xxx

16th October 2021

Rob, Sarah, Jack & Isaac Hawley


+ £18.75 Gift Aid

We are so proud of you dad/ grandad. H.E.A.T forever in our hearts ♥️

15th October 2021

Mohammed FS


Keep up the good work HEAT

14th October 2021



13th October 2021

Umar Shariff


+ £17.50 Gift Aid

My best wishes to HEAT Foundation snd it’s supporter throughout the challenging and gratifying 16 years THANK YOU

It’s my 70th birthday and H.E.A.T. Foundation’s 16th anniversary!

Umar Shariff is raising money for H.E.A.T Foundation

My story

Unfortunately, the coronavirus continues to have a devastating effect on the vulnerable communities in India and Pakistan and HEAT Foundation has helped many families survive the pandemic who may have not otherwise. I am so proud that over the past 16 years, H.E.A.T has spent in total a quarter of a million pounds providing flood relief, education to over 400 children, in schools and an evening centre, women empowerment and food distribution during the pandemic. This has only been possible with the help of family and friends’ and your donations. Whilst I feel truly blessed as I celebrate my 70th birthday this week (14th Oct) and H.E.A.T.‘S 16th anniversary, I can’t help but feel we need to do more! So, I am using my birthday to help raise further funds, any donation would be the most amazing present you could give me. To support the charity, we have worked so hard on for the past 16 years is the best gift I could wish for. I hope to make a trip to Pakistan at the end of this year to do more to help overcome the pandemic situation. Thank you so much for your support and God’s blessings be upon you for your kindness.🤓

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H.E.A.T Foundation

Charity number: 1110077

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