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Total raised so far


£3,750.00 of £2,500 target +£242.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

28th July 2023

Simon and Geraldine


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

You're a legend!

23rd July 2023

Lucy Beaumont


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

23rd July 2023

Urry’s Worcester


+ £50.00 Gift Aid

21st July 2023

Paul Johnston


+ £25.00 Gift Aid

May the wind be at your back and blue skies above. All the best

21st July 2023

william slingsby


good luck

7th July 2023



Happy Birthday Auntie P! We are all behind you every sail of the way ♥️

7th July 2023

Jules P


Good luck Paula - go smash it! X

5th July 2023

Carolyn and David


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck

24th June 2023



Happy Birthday my gorgeous friend. Good luck with you challenge. Love Emma, Paul and Chloe xxx

24th June 2023

Angie Norman


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good Luck Paula and Happy 50th 🎉

Paula's 50th Fastnet 2023 Challenge

Event dates: 22nd July 2023 – 27th July 2023

Paula Rowney is raising money for Alzheimer's Research UK

My story

2023 is the year of my 50th Birthday and I would like to mark it with a challenge event. I have chosen to do the Fastnet offshore sailing race - 695 nautical miles non-stop starting at Cowes on the Isle of Wight, sailing to the Fastnet Rock off the southern coast of Ireland and back to Cherbourg, France. I am joining a 10 person crew aboard a First 40 named Arthur and our training is already underway. I am super excited for the challenge and hope to raise some money for charity at the same time. I choose Alzheimers Research UK - my father is currently living with this disease and I am seeing first hand what it does to him as an individual and the impact it has on his family around him. Support for research into this cruel disease is very close to my heart and I would be so grateful if you would consider donating to Alzheimers Research UK through this page as I take on my challenge.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Alzheimer's Research UK.

My updates

Wednesday 26th July 2023

Unfortunately it wasn’t to be….big winds, big seas led to crew injury, we returned to nearest marina to find our steering hanging by a thread….we had to leave the race 😔 We were near west end of Christchurch bay when we had to turn back. It was a serious hand injury needing surgery. There were quite a few Fastnet casualties in A&E on Saturday night apparently. But navigating twice through Hurst narrows in this weather was an achievement in itself!! We all live to sail another day! None of our photos can show the conditions we faced. I head to Cherbourg by ferry tomorrow to join the party, see the finishers, break my heart a little more and have a good long hard think about whether I should try this again ;)

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Saturday 22nd July 2023

Wish I’d checked how to wear my kit before now!!!

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Saturday 22nd July 2023

Gusting 30kts!! Wish us luck!!!

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Sunday 9th July 2023

Just so you know….this one has just made me cry while sitting on the rail of Arthur as we sail home. I don’t know which amazing niece or nephew you are but it brings home just how much this challenge means to me and to all of our family 💜

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Sunday 9th July 2023

We did it! We finished this race and moral is high! Bring on Fastnet 2023 💪

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Alzheimer's Research UK

Charity number: 1077089

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