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Total raised so far


£10.04 of £300 target See breakdown

Recent donations

Wednesday 7th April 2010



Good luck Penny!

Pennys Icelandic Trek_Interplay

Event date: 21st July 2010

Penny Barnes is raising money for Interplay (INTEGRATED PLAY AND LEISURE)

My story

This July Penny will be trekking across Iceland to raise money for Interplay

Interplay is a Swansea based charity which works with young people aged between 2 and 19 who have special needs. Interplay run summer clubs and activities throughout the year, providing a variety of integrated out of school leisure activities. They also provide training and advice on disability awareness for other organisations and workers
More information about interplay can be found on the website:

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Interplay (INTEGRATED PLAY AND LEISURE).

Penny Barnes is fundraising for


Charity number: 1062152

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