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Total raised so far


£300.00 of £500 target +£71.25 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

10 years ago

Birmingham Office


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

10 years ago

Steve McMeikan


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Go Ollie!

10 years ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck...thank you for choosing Sova!!

10 years ago

Sophie Wilson


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Thanks Ollie, amazing stuff and much appreciated

10 years ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Serious challenge for a very worthy cause - Good Luck Ol!

10 years ago



+ £6.25 Gift Aid

sounds amazing- and thank you for choosing Sova

10 years ago



+ £18.75 Gift Aid

Very pleased you chose SOVA

10 years ago



Do it!

10 years ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck and well done

10 years ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

super proud of ya!

Broadway Marathon 2014

Event date: 16th November 2014

Oliver Johnson is raising money for Change, Grow, Live

My story

On the 16th November I'm running the Broadway Marathon. It's a trail marathon starting and finishing in Broadway, which follows a scenic route through the Cotswold's along footpaths, bridleways and country roads with roughly 3000 feet ascent across 26.8 I've had to put in some training! I should also mention I've never ran a marathon...

In preparation I recently ran the Great Birmingham Run and a group of us are attempting the 3 peaks challenge this weekend.

I'm hoping to raise some money for the charity Sova, who do amazing work in helping people steer clear of crime. The charity works with offenders and ex-offenders to desist from offending through supporting them with training and employment, rebuilding family and personal relationships, and ultimately providing guidance in all aspects of life. Sova also prides itself on the inclusion of service users and people with criminal backgrounds into mentoring roles within the organisation.

I was previously a mentoring support worker with adult and youth ex-offenders at Sova, which was a fascinating, challenging and rewarding role. I mentored some inspiring people who had been subject to criminal pathways, often as a result of unfortunate life circumstances, who exhibited an overwhelming willingness to change and lead crime free lives.

If you could spare a small donation it would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

If interested in learning more about Sova please visit

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Change, Grow, Live.

Oliver Johnson is fundraising for

Change, Grow, Live

Charity number: 1079327

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