My story
Dee Logan (nee MacLeod) a much-loved sister, Bob's dearly loved wife, and a cherished aunt passed on March 18th, 2021
The lady born to sparkle still glows strong in all out hearts although she is no longer with us.
Her passing was sudden and very unexpected and has left us all in a state of shock. Rather than flowers at the funeral Bob and family would ask that you donate to The Drum Riding for the Disabled.
Dee and Bob have had a long association with The Drum RDA. They sponsored Bobby the horse, they raised funds through auctions at the clay-pigeon shoots held at Aikendean Farm, and Dee used to be one of the announcers at The Drum RDA's annual show.
Dee has given us the marvellous gift of wonderful memories, and leaving a donation will help create some wonderful memories for others.
Thank you.
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