1 year ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Miss uncle Tony every day. I hope one day they find a cure for narcolepsy. It steals so much life. Although it didn’t win with Tony, even though he struggled he never complained and loved his life to the fullest.
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1 year ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Miss uncle Tony every day. I hope one day they find a cure for narcolepsy. It steals so much life. Although it didn’t win with Tony, even though he struggled he never complained and loved his life to the fullest.
1 year ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Miss you X
1 year ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Maddison Gillam-Wallace is raising money for Narcolepsy UK and Teenage Cancer Trust
Today is my Dad's 60th Birthday and although i miss him every single day, days like today -when we should be sharing a cake with him and celebrating with him- ache that little bit more.
I wanted to do something to mark, what should have been a milestone birthday, so over the next 60 days i am going to cycle 60km, run 60km and swim 60km. I have chosen to support Narcolepsy UK because they also support people with Cataplexy, both of which robed my Dad of so much of his life and so any support they can offer people in a similar situation is worth it. The second charity is one that my Dad supported and that I will continue to support in his memory.
Please donate if you can, but more importantly please keep Dad in your hearts and share memories ❤️
Thank you
Maddison and family xxx
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This page is in memory of