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£116.49 of £1,000 target See breakdown

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RNIB Used Stamp Appeal

Event dates: 9th April 2011 – 31st March 2016

Terri Bush is raising money for Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

My story

As a part of our fundraising we collect used postage stamps from the Uk and overseas. We are desperate for more supporters so any help that you can give to us even if it is by passing our details on to friends and family around the world would be much appreciated.

Stamps can be sent to us at RNIB Used Stamp Appeal, PO Box 185, Benfleet, Essex, England, SS7 9BH.

We can be emailed at or visit our website at

Thank you for your interest.

RNIB Fundraising Team

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Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

Charity number: 226227

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