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Sean volunteers to help Cambodian village and Elephant sanctuary
Event date: 30th June 2015
Sean McDonald is raising money for ReachOut
My story
Hey everyone thank you for taking the time to visit my page.
My name is Sean McDonald I am in my last year of university and I have pledged to volunteer with Reach Out Volunteers.
Working with Reach Out Volunteers, I plan to make a difference in Cambodia, a country where the average income is under $4000 and 1 out of 5 people are living with less than $1.25 a day.
As part of the volunteering opportunity I will be able to work in a small village for a week to aid in construction work amongst other things. As I have studied development I am very excited at the prospect of helping to build infrastructure in the Cambodian village. The building of infrastructure such as a school will enable a child to get an education and have the skills to leave poverty. The building of a house or a well will significantly increase a persons quality of life. The money I need to raise is vital for the materials to help construction in the impoverished Cambodian Villages.
Another week of my volunteering will be spent at a self sufficient Elephant sanctuary. The safe haven requires a lot of upkeep: harvesting and replanting food supplies, improving infrastructure, and participating in general maintenance. Many animals at the sanctuary have been rescued or mistreated and the sanctuary tries to recreate as natural environment as possible
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