15 years ago
Even more cash donations
Keep them rolling!
This page is closed and is not accepting further donations
15 years ago
Keep them rolling!
15 years ago
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
nice one fella
15 years ago
15 years ago
+ £3.75 Gift Aid
How are the legs today?
15 years ago
15 years ago
+ £7.50 Gift Aid
have a good day on Sunday
15 years ago
Yes You can!
15 years ago
+ £3.75 Gift Aid
Good luck Steve!
15 years ago
+ £5.25 Gift Aid
Got you up to 1k. Good luck on Sunday. Michael Norton
15 years ago
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
Event dates: 1st January 2009 – 1st July 2009
Steve Korris is raising money for MyBnk
Dear All,
I am running this years London Marathon in aid of MyBnk!
I aim to raise funds towards bursaries for schools to have our Savvy Savings Assembly for free!
100% OF MONIES donated are going directly to aid the development of young peoples knowledge and skills on effective money management.
Topics introduced in the assemblies are; 1. Why Save, 2. Short Vs Long Term Savings, 3. Budgeting, 4. Shopping for a bank that suits your needs, 5. Ethical and Islamic banking. In this time of financial crisis is it not time to help the next generation!!
The assemblies cost £150 and each reaches at least 150 young people. This means for every pound you give you will be directly reaching a specific individual and have a tangible outcome to show for your donation!
I will be delivering all the assemblies myself and hope to video one to post online so you can all see where your money has gone!
Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto MyBnk.