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Total raised so far


£145.07 of £300 target +£31.25 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

6th October 2010



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Well Done Thams.

4th October 2010

Zara Ahmed


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck we will all be backing you

17th September 2010

Shahida :D


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Going to see you in trainers for the first time ever!! hehe

16th September 2010

Ayse Besli


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

We are proud of you:))

16th September 2010



+ £7.50 Gift Aid

For a brave colleague

15th September 2010

Lucy Whitman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Good luck!

5th September 2010

Mahmuda khanam


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

keep it up with good work

31st August 2010



+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Hold tight and dont look down...!!

27th August 2010

Rasheda Khanam


Good luck!!!

Tahmina go abseiling for charity!!!

Event date: 17th September 2010

Tahmina Khanam is raising money for City & Hackney Carers Centre

My story

Tahmina challenges fear of height! and go climbing down 120ft tall building in order to raise money for City and Hackney Carers Centre.
Sometimes in life you have to face your fears" and I am ready to face my greatest fears of heights to make a difference in carers life in City & Hackney.
Since this will be a big fight through my jellified legs and arms, I hope to get your support and money to meet my target.
Please sponsor me :) and I promise to share some pictures of the challenge.

P.S. When you make a donation, don't forget to check the Gift Aid box if you're a UK taxpayer as then your charity can claim an extra 28% from the government!

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto City & Hackney Carers Centre.


City & Hackney Carers Centre

Charity number: 1054962

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