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Total raised so far


£1,020.04 of £1,200 target +£193.75 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

14 years ago

Polly Sinclair


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

14 years ago



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

You da man. Post Iron score as promised!

14 years ago



Good Luck

14 years ago

Tracey Bray



14 years ago

Claire Hansell


Respect to The Boyce, IM... :)

14 years ago

Katie Silke



14 years ago

Dorthe Freed


You're way to cool!!! :)

14 years ago

Stella Diamant


Best of Luck Chris-Wish I was there supporting!

14 years ago

Gordon Brown


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

14 years ago

Alex Dobson


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck bud!

The Boyce's Ironman Challenge

Event date: 22nd May 2010

Chris Boyce is raising money for DROP4DROP LIMITED

My story

Welcome to The Boyce's drop4drop fundraising page.

The Boyce (pictured right in compulsory Lycra -- and sporting shaved legs with shoes that somehow seem appropriate) is attempting the Lanzarote Ironman on May 22nd 2010. For those that don't have a clue what an Ironman is, it is definitely a challenge that deserves its title. Basically it's a very very very long triathlon, that will probably take all day, consisting of, well a marathon! But before this marathon starts you must first swim 3.8km (about 152 lengths of a typical local pool) and then cycle 180km (this is approximately cycling from London to Brighton??and then back again). Each discipline will be one after the other, no resting, no complaining, but probably lots of tears - boo hoo for The Boyce. To make matters worse the Ironman in Lanzarote is renowned for being one of the toughest Ironman challenges, with its relentless wind and particularly non-flat roads!

It seems only proper that this madness should produce some good and therefore The Boyce has chosen to help raise awareness and funds for Drop4drop, a charity that seeks to help the world water crisis. Fact: Water is a basic necessity. In the UK, you turn on a tap - fresh drinkable water comes out. Unfortunately this is not how it is for more than one sixth of the global population (that's 1.2 billion people), who do not have access to any clean water. Drop4drop, first and foremost tries to raise awareness of the issues surrounding the world's water crisis. For example, 1 child dies due to poor sanitation and thirst every 5 seconds, yet in the developed world we consume billions of bottles of drinks a day, even though our tap water is high above standards for safe consumption.
Drop4drop funds sustainable projects that aim to provide clean fresh water in places where it is lacking. The simple provision of water can totally change a community and drastically improve the quality of life - to mention a few: children do not need to make long walks to get water, meaning they can spend more time in education; people can grow enough food for themselves and disease can be prevented with better sanitation.

Clean fresh water provides us with things in life that it is all too easy to take for granted in the modern developed world, so please donate what you can. It is IMPORTANT to note that the aim of this fundraising is NOT to finance this quite crazy challenge - your donations will go direct to drop4drop. The Boyce is all paid up and raring to go. Any donations for this very worthy cause would just be greatly appreciated by everyone drop4drop seeks to benefit.

Thank you xx

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Chris Boyce is fundraising for


Charity number: 1115277

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