Tuesday 2nd August 2011
Goretti Devaney
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Congratulations and well done Beena!
This page is closed and is not accepting further donations
Tuesday 2nd August 2011
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Congratulations and well done Beena!
Thursday 14th July 2011
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Well done Beena!
Tuesday 12th July 2011
+ £27.81 Gift Aid
Well Done my lovely daughter!
Tuesday 12th July 2011
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Well done
Tuesday 12th July 2011
a very good cause beena
Monday 11th July 2011
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Event date: 10th July 2011
The Plant Doctor is raising money for Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC)
My charity is very small, a rape crisis centre that runs a helpline and referral service. I can't express the horror and tragedy of people's experiences because even a smart arse like me doesn't have the words.
People don't talk about things like rape, it's a problem of the mind, not like needing a new organ or something.Well, I can tell you that the body expresses everything the mind attempts to supress or forget. So, it's important to get help from sympathetic and caring people rather than those who would blame you for something that was not your fault....because that makes the trauma worse!
I don't believe in revenge, but in compassion and wisdom. I think the universe is more powerful and way bigger than little me, much more capable of dealing with those that inflict pain on others more vulnerable than themselves. I'll to stick books!
"Wisdom is, first and foremost, a certain relationship with truth and with action, an invigorating lucidity; it is knowledge which is active, in action. To see things as they are, to know what one wants. Not to delude oneself, not to pretend.'Not to play the tragic actor', says Marcus Aurelius. To know and to accept. To understand and to transform. To resist and to overcome. For it is impossible to confront anything unless one accepts its existence. It is impossible to be healed unless we accept illness, imposible to fight injustice if we do not acknowledge it. We must accept reality as it is for we can not transform what we do not accept."
Women raely tell anyone about being raped wheter by a stranger, someone they know or even their partnet. It's hard.People judge you, but even worse you judg yourself. Men who are raped find it even harder to talk about their experience, let alone scared and terrified children. It the midst our own pain, perhaps a person can see how they mut use their own voice as an act of mercy not only for themsleves but for a better world where the vulnerable have great worth too.
With public services being cut, many rape crisis centres face an uncertain future. And I know people think it will never happen to them, and truly believe me when I say I hope you never know what it's like.But life is a funny thing. Instead on dwelling on the dark things why not create some light?
So I thought I would train for a run and see what difference I could make by chosing to live a full a life as possible. Hopefully I do some good along the way.
And eat cake obviously.
Hope you can donate soemthing. Anyone thinking fo giving me a 30th birthday present please donate to my charity instead. And even if yo had no intention of buying me a gift why not donate! You wil have a warm fuzzy feeling inside which won't make you go to the bathroom:0)
I did the run on Sunday, no idea what my time was, I don't time my self...kind of ruins the fun. It was a great day and I enjoyed this run more than any other because it was in London and because I am very glad to be alive.
Thanks to my mummy for cheering me on and thank you to those of you who have in some way supported me these last couple of years.It has been a transformative time for me:0)
Please, please donate some money:0)Take care one and all!
Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC).
The Plant Doctor is fundraising for
Charity number: 1085104