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Total raised so far


£320.00 of £300 target +£72.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Saturday 30th May 2020

Malcolm Crook


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Well bounced Thomas and Grace!

Monday 18th May 2020

Sarah HH


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Very well bounced indeed, Thomas & Grace!!

Sunday 17th May 2020



+ £8.75 Gift Aid

Saturday 16th May 2020



Well done Thomas and Grace

Friday 15th May 2020

Kate beswick


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

Good luck- bounce high! Have fun!

Thursday 14th May 2020

The Chester Crumblies


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

You've reached your target! Well bounced, Thomas and Grace!

Wednesday 13th May 2020



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Great to support St Paul's foodbank have fun bouncing

Tuesday 12th May 2020



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Amazing Sarah - happy bounces to Thomas and Grace <3

Tuesday 12th May 2020



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

keep bouncing Thomas and Grace

Tuesday 12th May 2020



Enjoy your bouncing

Thomas and Grace's sponsored bounce

Event date: 16th May 2020

Sarah Gale is raising money for Christian Aid and St Paul's Centre

My story

Thomas (aged 5) and Grace (aged 3) are going to bounce 100 times each on their trampoline to help people who are facing tough times at home and away. St Paul's Centre is a brilliant charity in Crewe that runs our local food bank amongst other services for people who are unemployed or facing difficulties in their lives. Christian Aid help some of the poorest communities round the world. Both charities will be needed more than ever this year, so please help if you can. We will be bouncing at home of course.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Christian Aid and St Paul's Centre.

My updates

Saturday 16th May 2020

Grace and Thomas did 100 very enthusiastic bounces each and have raised an amazing £260. I'll post the photos on Facebook. Thank you to everyone who donated so generously!

Thursday 14th May 2020

We don't know who all of you are, who have donated so generously, but thank you! Thomas and Grace are in serious training. Some non-stop bouncing yesterday. Today was a physical rest day, but we practiced counting. A grown-up will count on the day or they might get off a bit lightly, since Grace thinks that it is "... 14,15,17,19,100!"

My 2 charities

Christian Aid

Charity number: 1105851

St Paul's Centre

Charity number: 1001566

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