Thursday 9th December 2021
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Recent donations
Friday 12th November 2021
Simon Ratsey

Celebrating Tony and Beth's Wedding!
Wedding Guests are raising money for Step (UK)
Our story
As an extension of the love they share for each other, Tony and Beth would like their wedding gifts to provide hope and safe spaces for families displaced by the largest refugee crisis of our time.
STEP is a child-protection charity. One of our projects supports the Arbat refugee camp, Iraq, which is home to over 9600 Syrian refugees, half of these are children.
Regular attendance at STEP’s Child-friendly Spaces has enabled children to process trauma and grief, learn to socialize and interact with others again in a safe environment, and helped them to recover a sense of normality and an ability to cope with life.
"Before, my son just stayed in and watched TV, he wasn’t talking to anyone. Now he has interests and activities like playing outside, colouring and learning the alphabet…" (Mother, Arbat Refugee Camp)
Please help us celebrate Tony and Beth and their big heart for the Syrian refugee community, by donating now.
We celebrated our 20th anniversary this year, please click: to find out more. If you would like further information, please contact or visit
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