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£0.04 of £1,500 target See breakdown

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Help support women who suffer Post Natal Illness

Event dates: 30th November 2008 – 1st December 2009

Veritee Reed Hall is raising money for PNI ORG UK

My story

Please join our appeal to raise £1000 this year to run the charity PNI ORG UK to continue its work to support women suffering PNI. The charity received no grants and relies entirely on donations to exist, often from sufferers, survivors, their families and friends. However being an online charity with women giving their time voluntarily the National support service we run is very cost effective. It can be run well on £3000 a year but our average income rarely exceeds £900. Please help us to change this.

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto PNI ORG UK.

Veritee Reed Hall is fundraising for


Charity number: 1113840

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