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£36,008.42 +£6,520.94 Gift Aid See breakdown

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3 weeks ago

Sally Coleman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Keep running !

1 month ago

Sally Coleman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Keep running !

2 months ago

Sally Coleman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Keep running !

3 months ago

Sally Coleman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Keep running !

4 months ago

Sally Coleman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Keep running !

5 months ago

Sally Coleman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Keep running !

6 months ago

Sally Coleman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Keep running !

7 months ago

George Burbridge


Best wishes.......bless your hearts!

7 months ago

Sally Coleman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Keep running !

8 months ago

Sally Coleman


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Keep running !

What Katie did next

Kate Jayden is raising money for Trussell, The Refugee Council and The Hygiene Bank

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My story

Until 5th May you can now win a treadmill every time you donate to my page through the noble pro giveaway!

***PLEASE TICK THE GIFT AID BOX! So many people have missed it and it provides 20% tax reclaim for the charity. So long as you’re a tax payer please select this option to ensure the full donation is being made! It costs you nothing and the charity reclaim tax.

Starting Jan 1st: 100 marathons. 100 days. A journey of 2620 miles roughly the distance from Aleppo, Syria to the U.K. fundraising to help refugees with humanitarian aid and mental health care, as well as providing funds for food banks and hygiene banks, used by all manner of people, whether British or not, because I believe in a world where people shouldn’t have to make a choice between cleanliness or hunger no matter what their circumstances are.

17th July 2022: continuous Deca triathlon. 38km (24 mile) swim, 1800km bike ride (1120 mile), 422km (262 mile)run. All back to back straight after each other.

Over the years my endurance feats for charity have become more and more ludicrous and here I find myself at this point! If I can’t tempt you to date to charity by becoming one in a billion woman I’m the world then I’m not sure how I’ll ever manage! My heart has always longed for a kinder world and country that welcomes people from all walks of life, especially those facing adversity. In the current climate with a hostile environment being created for asylum seekers and those fleeing war, it’s only the fact we happened to be born here that we have such privilege. Refugees are peoples’ mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, who had careers and families, who have seen their families brutally murdered, their homes bombed and fled for safety. I’m hoping to make a small difference by raising for the refugee council. Poverty is a real issue in the U.K. too, both for people born here and for refugees and asylum seekers. Many people work full time jobs and still face decisions over whether they feed their children or change their nappy, whether they can afford the electricity for the shower, or the shower gel to use in that shower. Nobody should be workout period products or go without these in order to eat. Over the next 6 months I’ll be reading more and raising more awareness around these subjects as well as fundraising to make a difference, so at least a few less people may not have to go without a meal, or a hot shower, the feeling of being safe and secure in being able to take care of their basic human needs.

What am I doing?
Well I’m running an average of a marathon (26.2 miles) a day for 100 days starting January 1st, representing the journey of a Syrian refugee to the U.K. I have various other events but these lead up to the main event. A continuous Deca triathlon. 38km (24 miles) swim, 1120 mile (1800km) bike ride and 262 (422km) mile run. That’s 10 Ironmans all in one triathlon. In 2019 I undertook a one a day Deca, but this time I complete the continuous, to complete both formats. Only three women in the world have come other this. If I succeed I’ll become one in a billion women in the world and the the first British woman to have done so. Not only is my goal to raise money for charity but hopefully encourage other women and non binary people to undertake their own sporting journey with a single step achievable to them.

You can follow my journey at

Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Trussell, The Refugee Council and The Hygiene Bank.

My updates

2 years ago

The Big Gay Wedding Day Giftlist!!!
Our wedding blessing and party is 1st May. Having got married in a pandemic we were allowed only a service and have always planned to celebrate with a blessing and party a year later when things were a little more back to normal! As our guests you will know that we’ve invited you to think about how much you’d be able to afford to buy a gift for us, and instead allow us to pay it forward by asking you donate generously to help our love and the love you are showing us, to bless the lives of others! The Hygiene Bank, Trussell Trust and Refugee Council will be so grateful if your gifts and we are so happy that you help in our hopes to make the world a little better for others who NEED things through the fact we don’t NEED STUFF 💚🧡💛 Much love from Kate and Laura xxx

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2 years ago

It’s important to highlight that whilst the journey represents that of a refugee and I’ve raised a lot of awareness around the current issues, the concept was also to raise awareness of U.K. poverty. By helping show the poverty refugees are subjected to upon arrival into the U.K., as well as the fact that there are Brits who are working, full time, with professional qualifications and careers, who still need to access food banks and hygiene banks shows that although wry different journeys may have been taken by both people there is common ground. By highlighting and demonstrating our similarities whilst understanding our differences, this can make things relatable. When society can relate to a struggle, often empathy ensues. When empathy ensues, and this turns into action, we can see compassion and changes for the better.

2 years ago

And the series finale. Day 100+1 arrived. I couldn’t quite believe I’d made it. I knew I probably wouldn’t felt the intensity and overwhelming floods of relief and joy on day 100 with the pogniant nature of the representation on the geographical journey. But starting that final “run”, which lets be honest I’ll just call it for what it was….speed limping, just blew my mind. Seeing the total on my fundraising efforts increase, I’d spoken to radio Sussex the day before about the challenge and what it meant, and been interviewed at Brighton, I knew my wife was out on the course and a group of my running pals were cheering but hearing so many people shout they’d been following the journey was surreal. I suddenly realised all those posts and heart felt pouring of my would into this had not been in vain. Admittedly I knew it wasn’t as I’d received messages of tales of runners signing up to their first marathon, or even getting that run done they almost didn’t, or reading more about refugees, learning more about poverty, donating to hygiene bank collections, reassessing their own goals and ambitions realising they were capable of more. Yet somehow this felt like a sudden realisation of how far the story of this journey has spread. I couldn’t believe so many people were so interested. I can honestly say I was so humbled and inspired by the whole thing and at the finish line I just repeatedly felt so honoured and privileged I was able to be the person to take that journey, taking space by uplifting the voices of those who need our support and compassion.

Never let anybody tell you that you can’t make a difference. Ever.

You may not be able to change the whole world but you can change the whole world for at least one person. That was always enough for me.

Any change for good is better than inertia. Overwhelm is no excuse for inertia. As a collective when we all place those small efforts together a huge impact can be made. When one match is lit it goes out quickly but light the whole box and that’s a fire hazard.

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2 years ago

I couldn’t leave the page hanging without those last two updates! So day 100….officially this was originally day 99 but after realising I could break a record, I included the marathon I’d already ran on New Year’s Eve as part of the Liverbird double marathon weekend. This meant day 99 became 100 and 100 became 101. That happened every early on. Most people just didn’t do the maths!!! Day 100 represented the distance from the shores of Calais to the shores of dover. The sun came out for some time and it reminded me of 16th March which has been the busiest crossing day in the channel, with over 900 asylum seekers intercepted. With the weather I suspected there would be many crossings that day. It felt so poignant that so many don’t make this leg of the journey, losing their lives at the hands of war. They managed to escape war, stay alive and yet the U.K. wouldn’t offer a safe route, forcing them into boats. They do not have to stay in France. Under the Geneva convention it is noted that unconventional entry method or routes may be used to enter a country in which the person claims asylum. Seeking safety should not be criminalised but that’s exactly what’s happening right now as we speak. People endure journeys thousands of miles long, enduring so much, showing resilience and tenacity that in me people identify as a positive, yet they finally make it so close and are left out in the cold. The U.K. has an obligation to help refugees. We need to do better. Not only by providing safe entry points and safe routes for refugees but by providing them with real meaningful support. If we can afford somehow to fund offshore processing then we can afford to pay refugees a proper welfare support or allow them to work. Refugees are given £39 per week yet the income definition for destitution is defined as £70 per week. From the outset refugees are expected to not only fight for their lives but are then expected to live on amounts that dehumanise them and their lives. Every time my body ached, or felt like it was giving up and had nothing else, this kept the journey going to day 101.

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2 years ago

Day 99! Great to be interviewed live on channel 5 news today at
Mile 21, to spread more awareness of the three charities. Didn’t feel too terrible today but took it easy to try and stay in one piece for tomorrow and Sunday.

Tomorrow is 100! With Brighton for a victory lap.

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My 3 charities


Charity number: 1110522

The Refugee Council

Charity number: 1014576

The Hygiene Bank

Charity number: 1181267

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Your donations will help the great work Trussell, The Refugee Council and The Hygiene Bank do.

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