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Total raised so far


£900.00 of £700 target +£167.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

Tuesday 25th July 2023

AJA fund


AJA fund

Saturday 15th July 2023

Wayne p


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Wednesday 5th July 2023

Linda and Robert Gregory


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Great cause! Well done. XXX

Tuesday 27th June 2023

Margaret Anthony


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Congratulations - marvellous achievement

Sunday 25th June 2023



Big man Nick represent

Sunday 25th June 2023

Samantha Howes


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Good luck

Sunday 25th June 2023

Michelle Cornick


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Saturday 24th June 2023

Linda aka Mum


Go guys!!

Saturday 24th June 2023



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Monday 19th June 2023



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Wilsons tackle the Cotswold Way

Event date: 24th June 2023

Andrew, Kate and Nick are raising money for Movember and Ashdon Jazz Academy

Our story

On 24th June, Kate, Nick and Andrew are taking part in a 53km walk as part of the Cotswold Way Ultra Challenge.

We've chosen to support two charities which are important to us:

Movember is a charity supporting men's mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world, challenging the status quo, shaking up men’s health research and transforming the way health services reach and support men.

As many of you know, this is a cause especially close to our family's hearts.

Ashdon Jazz Academy is a charity born out of the tragic suicide of Founder and CEO Tricia Muirhead's daughter Ashdon. Since 2015 the charity has worked with 300 young women providing one to one mentoring and a range of activities to boost self esteem and help them to build resilience and improve their mental health.

Kate has been a Trustee of the charity since the end of 2021 and has seen their brilliant work first hand.

Thank you for checking out our page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Movember and Ashdon Jazz Academy.

Our updates

Monday 26th June 2023

What a weekend! This was a very tough challenge. Setting out at 8am and hiking in 27 degree heat up and down steep climbs. Andrew and Kate had to retire at the third checkpoint (38km though our step counters said we did 42km or 26 miles). We'd been out for 12 hours by then and had given it everything but the heat and humidity was too much for us.

Nick is a total champion though, and having stormed away during the second leg, managed to finish by 10pm! This was no mean feat and we're so proud of him.

Thank you so much for your support on reaching and exceeding our fundraising goal.

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Monday 19th June 2023

One of the best things about getting out early is catching glimpses like this... this was Andrew's last dawn walk of the week. Clocked up 100km last week.

Thanks so much for all of your donations. As per the guidance we'll all be taking it easy this week and eating plenty of carbs in preparation for Saturday! Wish us luck!

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Friday 16th June 2023

Andrew has been out at 5.00am and hit 10km-15km before his morning cup of tea. Pictures show the amazing sunrise this morning in Shilton.

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Monday 29th May 2023

Yesterday I did 27.25km.walking from home through Croydon to Hackbridge where I met my friend to carry along on the Wandle Trail. - Kate

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Sunday 21st May 2023

Andrew has walked a total of 90km this week culminating in a circuit around Willow Meadow, RAF Brize Norton perimeter path and through Black Bourton, Alvescot and back via Willow Meadow. Here are some pictures!

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Our 2 charities


Charity number: 1137948

Ashdon Jazz Academy

Charity number: 1161413

More great ways you can raise funds