Monday 13th July 2015
This page is closed and is not accepting further donations
Recent donations
Monday 6th July 2015
+ £3.75 Gift Aid
Thursday 28th May 2015
Sharon Brand
Kol ha kavod for doing this, Chana.
Thursday 21st May 2015
Sherri Vishner
May his neshama have an aliyah
Friday 15th May 2015
Baruch Weinstein
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
Friday 15th May 2015
+ £4.50 Gift Aid
Good for you
Friday 15th May 2015
+ £25.00 Gift Aid
Thursday 14th May 2015
+ £25.00 Gift Aid
Such an amazing person who will never be forgotten
Thursday 14th May 2015

Liluy Nishmas Yehudah 'Jez' Freedman
Event dates: 14th May 2015 – 15th July 2015
Heather Gaston is raising money for Kollel Beis Aharon
My story
During the last year of his life, my husband learned with PBM (Professionals Beis Medrash) of Edgware at Kollel Beis Aharon. He had great respect for this program and considered it an important stepping stone to greater Torah learning. In order to help his neshama have an aliyah, I'm raising money to sponsor their new Mishnah program, which will help others to learn there. Every little bit helps! Tizku l'Mitzvos.
Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Kollel Beis Aharon.
Heather Gaston is fundraising for
Kollel Beis Aharon
Charity number: 263957