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It's up to you
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Easy to donate
As well as card payments, make your donation by Google Pay or Apple Pay in just one click
Give more with Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, the Government will boost your donation by 25p for every £1

What we're doing
Give as you Live Donate works with hundreds of local foodbanks, as well as The Trussell Trust - together, this nationwide network of foodbanks provide emergency food to those in need.
You can make a one-off or monthly donation to help them give more people a place to turn to in this time of crisis.
Find your local foodbank
What charities think
Give as you Live provides so many opportunities for people to support us even if they don't have much cash to spare. Whether as a direct donation, regular gift, or just as they shop via the internet, it's easy to set up and the foodbank benefits by receiving frequent payments. This is so important for small charities such as us, particularly in times of great need.
Jenny LeLean Community Manager Andover Foodbank