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£10.00 of £5,000 target +£2.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

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5 days ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

I love them.

About us

The Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) is the only national organisation solely devoted to the conservation of bats and their habitats in the UK.

Bats are amazing animals, and an important part of our natural environment. There are 17 species of bat in the UK, all of which are protected by law because their numbers have decreased so dramatically.

BCT is working towards a world where bats and people live in harmony, to ensure they are around for future generations to enjoy. Your support will make a big difference to what we are able to achieve.

Charity number: 1012361

Let’s protect bats this Halloween!

This Halloween, let’s start a new tradition celebrating our incredible nighttime heroes - bats! While bat decorations are popular during this time of year, real bats are often overlooked despite the crucial role they play in protecting our environment.

By sharing your love for bats and donating some of your trick-or-treat funds to support bat conservation, you can help protect these awesome animals who do us all so much good.

Bats are an essential part of our world. Please donate and help us continue to protect bats and their homes. Keep reading to learn how bats help us and how we can return the favour.

How bats protect us

Did you know that bats are eco-system engineers? This means that they shape their environment in ways that benefit other plants and animals, including humans. In the UK, bats are natural insect controllers, consuming thousands of midges, gnats, and crop-damaging insects. Without bats, farmers would need to use more harmful pesticides, raising costs and posing risks to our health. Did you also know that bats help ensure we have ingredients like sugar and nuts? Find out more here.

Bats also thrive in environments that benefit people - clean air, green spaces, and fresh water. Protecting these spaces for bats improves human health and well-being, as spending time in nature boosts both mental and physical health. When we protect bats, we’re also preserving healthy environments for ourselves.
Bats have even contributed to scientific discoveries that benefit humans. Their long lives and ability to remain healthy have inspired research on aging and immune function, helping scientists make breakthroughs that could lead to advances in medicine.

How we protect bats

One in every three UK mammal species is a bat, but they face numerous challenges, including habitat loss and pollution. We work to protect these incredible animals and their habitats.

Bats aren’t limited to the countryside, some species also inhabit urban areas, living in places like city buildings or under village bridges. Unfortunately, as urban development expands, bat populations are under increasing threat. So we – and an amazing group of volunteers - work with developers, architects and farmers (and many others) to create bat-friendly places.

From preserving woodlands to designing bat-friendly buildings, from tackling issues like artificial lighting and bat-related crime, we work to ensure bats have a safe place to live.

How to have a bat-friendly Halloween

This Halloween, let’s celebrate bats by making our festivities bat-friendly.  If you can donate towards our Halloween appeal that would be fantastic! You can donate part of your ‘trick or treat’ candy money, organise a bat-themed bake sale or a symbolic ‘entry charge’ for your Halloween party.

Every donation counts, whether is £5 or £50! Please share widely.

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