3 months ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
3 months ago
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Beacon is a local mental health and wellbeing charity that has been part of the community in Stockport and Greater Manchester for 40 years. We deliver a whole range of mental health and wellbeing services in schools, online, in the community and from our base in the heart of Stockport. We support more than 3,000 adults, young people and children every year. We know you, and your community. And you, or someone you know, probably knows Beacon. We’re celebrating our 40th birthday this year with events and activities that create and celebrate connection. Because we are all connected!
Beacon is a dynamic and thoughtful organisation responding to the needs of our communities, having created innovative services to help tackle problems including suicide prevention and supporting young adults leaving the care system.
In summary, Beacon Counselling is an effective and innovative charity with a track record of delivering high quality services that are evidence based, effective, and targeted at the greatest need.
Event date: Sunday 28th July
We're up for a challenge and a bit of fun. Anything to raise awareness of mental health and to get more support to the people that need it.
Thanks to an allocated space from Totally Stockport (thanks, teamTS!), Beacon is bringing a kart and a team of kart-pushers to a steep hill in Stockport, pushing one of our colleagues down the hill, then closing our eyes and crossing our fingers until we hear he's reached the bottom in one piece!
Please support this kraziness by donating to Beacon. Every penny you give will be put to good use empowering the people of Stockport and beyond to live their best possible life, and enjoy good mental health and emotional resilience.