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Total raised so far

£4,185.00 Online donations +£817.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

About us

The Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist (also known as St John's Cathedral) is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Portsmouth, England. It was opened in 1882 and is the first cathedral to have been built in Portsmouth. It is the mother church of the Portsmouth diocese and seat of the Bishop of Portsmouth, currently the Right Reverend Philip Egan. It was dedicated on 10 August 1882.

Charity number: ECPD_PORCA

St John's Cathedral Second Collection 2025

Event date: Sunday 26 January 2025

A message from Rev. Canon James McAuley:

Since I became Dean of our Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist in September 2022, the parish has had to pay for the emergency repair of three serious roof leaks, as well as the replacement of two failing flat roofs. The cost of these repairs was met from parish funds. In 2023, the 120-year-old West Window had to be shored up, removed and completely restored to prevent its imminent collapse. So far, generous donors from the parish and from across the diocese have contributed £84,130 of the £90,100 cost of repair.

Our most recent quinquennial architectural survey (autumn 2023) indicated work required over the next few years to the roof, windows, heating, and electrical systems at an estimated cost of £2 million plus VAT.

I fully appreciate the financial pressures being felt by you and by your parishioners but would appeal to you to promote and support the Second Collection for the Cathedral on 26 January. Never has this annual collection by parishes for the Mother Church of the Diocese been more critical or needed. Your support is vitally important to us.  Thank you.

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