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£0.00 of £5,000 target

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About us

At AYA we believe that everyone should have access to low-cost mental health support. That's why we are committed to providing affordable and accessible counselling and psychological support to the people of Sussex. We offer our clients 24 counselling sessions starting at £10 per session depending on their financial circumstances. Everyone deserves access to support when they need it, and it shouldn't break the bank for someone to receive mental health support when they are struggling.

Charity number: 1147468

Swim the Channel Challenge

Event date: Sunday 4th May

Team AYA and friends are taking up the challenge of swimming the length of the English Channel at the Sea Lanes in Brighton! Collectively we will be swimming 32km in just 3 hours across 3 lanes on Sunday 4th May. It is a fantastic opportunity to showcase our pure athleticism... or not... and talk about all things mental health and how important exercise and self-care is for it.

Support our mission to create further awareness to the fundamental work that we do in the community and to generate vital funds so we can keep counselling session fees as low as possible.

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