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£193.25 Raised so far

Recent donations

1 year ago

Glen Thompsett


Thoroughly enjoyed the tour and additional knowledge by the excellent two stewards. Really recommend the trip.

2 years ago

Sally White


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Visiting Tower 24 is fascinating and I think that the Friends do a truly amazing job. They need and deserve all the support they can get enabling visitors to understand what Martello Towers were all about.

2 years ago

David Quaddy


+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Thank you in advance for our visit to Martello Tower 24

2 years ago

Christopher Cole


3 years ago

Nigel Amies


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

I, and my family, thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Tower - complete with comprehensive and enthusiastic tour by Richard! Keep up the good work on this amazing project; hope to return soon. Nigel Amies

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