Muslim Youth Helpline
Charity number: 1108354
The Muslim Youth Helpline (MYH) is a registered charity which provides pioneering faith and culturally sensitive services to Muslim youth in the UK. SERVICES Our core service is a free and confidential counselling service available nationally via the telephone, email and internet. The service uses male and female volunteers trained in basic counselling skills to respond to client enquiries. Helpline Workers respond to telephone calls from vulnerable and distressed young Muslims, listen to their concerns in a non-chastising manner, reassure them by offering support and exploring feasible options and, where necessary, make referrals to specialist agencies. Young people contact the Muslim Youth Helpline on a wide-range of social issues, particularly those that are regarded as taboo within the community such as homosexuality and mental health problems and require culturally and faith-sensitive response and support. The Muslim Youth Helpline aims to ensure that its service is easily accessible to all youth people from the Muslim community. Besides offering a free telephone service, many young people prefer to contact us by e-mail because of their fears in seeking support from within the Muslim community for the first time. MYH has developed an innovative technique that allows Helpline Workers to use theoretical counselling principles in written form. The helpline also receives letters from inmates at youth offending institutes across the country. In addition to our confidential helpline available nationwide, MYH currently operates an outreach service across Greater London. This outreach service has progressively developed into conducting home-visits, face to face counselling, family mediation and a befriending service. Outreach workers are also available to visit youth offenders in prison.