Monday 28th October 2013
Well done Arthur!
This page is closed and is not accepting further donations
Monday 28th October 2013
Well done Arthur!
Sunday 27th October 2013
Yeeeh - Go Dad go!!
Tuesday 22nd October 2013
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
The training alone is a fantastic achievement
Saturday 19th October 2013
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Good luck Arthur and happy running!
Friday 18th October 2013
+ £5.00 Gift Aid
Tuesday 15th October 2013
+ £7.50 Gift Aid
Keep right on to the end of the road!!!!!
Monday 14th October 2013
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
From the Jones family - we hope it goes well.
Wednesday 9th October 2013
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
Well done, Arthur - good for you!
Tuesday 8th October 2013
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
Fantastic charity, best of luck
Monday 7th October 2013
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
We are very impressed!
Event date: 28th October 2013
Arthur Prescott is raising money for ECM International
Completed in 4 hours 26 minutes - energy sapping but still running at the end. Thanks everyone.
Son, Matthew (an under 3½ hour runner of the 2012 event), will be my support and encouragement on the run.
ECMI supports church based activities and humanitarian causes throughout Europe - this includes support for refugees, drug rehab work, helping the poor, caring for children etc., etc.. They are careful to use every penny or cent wisely.
Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto ECM International.