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£27.57 of £100,000 target See breakdown

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Westminster Befriend a Family

Event dates: 12th September 2011 – 12th September 2012

Debs Stonell is raising money for WESTMINSTER BEFRIEND A FAMILY

My story

Westminster Befriend a Family has been supporting families since 1989. We help break cycles of disadvantage and social exclusion, promoting family cohesion, well-being and achievement. We do this by providing family support solutions for a wide range of issues by means of volunteer befriending, mentoring and advocacy, support and professionally led recreational activities. We offer our services in partnership with specialist organisations that follow our objectives. Our early intervention programmes are designed to create and nurture healthy environments in the homes of Westminsters most vulnerable families. We are dedicated to providing the necessary support to overcome deprivation and inequality, so that Westminsters families can lead happy and fulfilling lives. We want to create a community of healthy, resilient families who are free from disadvantage and fully integrated into their neighbourhood communities.

P.S. When you make a donation, don't forget to check the Gift Aid box if you're a UK taxpayer as then your charity can claim an extra 25% from the government!

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Debs Stonell is fundraising for


Charity number: 1082452

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