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Total raised so far


£3,019.00 of £6,000 target +£380.00 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

12 years ago



+ £175.00 Gift Aid

12 years ago

Jean and family from Sunderland


+ £6.25 Gift Aid

12 years ago



A bit more from your Peterlee supporters

12 years ago

Aunt Denise


What a fantast thing to do. Very, very, very well done.

12 years ago



From the folk of Peterlee and Helmsdale

12 years ago



Well done. Brilliant.

12 years ago

Martin & Tessa


Way to go, Catherine!

12 years ago

Henry M.


woah, Can't believe you've actually/almost made it

12 years ago



Welcome to Scotland, from your business friends up north.

12 years ago

a wet camper near Todmorden


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

thinking of you, hope grouse shooting not a problem

Catherine and Jonny's End to End Walk

Event date: 20th June 2012

Catherine Yarrow is raising money for CORAM CHILDREN'S LEGAL CENTRE LIMITED

My story

This summer, Jonny and I will attempt to walk the length of the UK. We will begin at Lands End and will finish (hopefully) 1200 miles on and 70 days later at John oGroates. We hope that this walk is not only going to be an incredible (although challenging) experience, but also a great opportunity to raise some money for charity. We are teaming up in our efforts and aim to raise £5 for every mile we walk in support of a charity that my sister currently works with: the Coram Childrens Legal Centre.

The CCLC provides free legal information, advice and representation to children, young people, their families, carers and professionals, in the UK as well as international consultancy on child law and childrens rights. Since opening in 1981 as the major UK project for the International Year of the Child, the CCLC has helped thousands of children, parents and carers in over 25 countries around the world.

The CCLC won the International Gandhi Foundation Peace Award 2009.

More information about the CCLC can be found on their website at:

If you would like to know more about the end to end walk information is available on Wikipedia here:'s_End_to_John_o'_Groats

Follow our journey here:
and here:

Thank you for all your support, Im sure your donations will go a long way to aid my sister and the CCLC in all the great work they do.

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Thank you for checking out my page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto CORAM CHILDREN'S LEGAL CENTRE LIMITED.

Catherine Yarrow is fundraising for


Charity number: 281222

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