14 years ago
God bless your efforts x
This page is closed and is not accepting further donations
14 years ago
God bless your efforts x
14 years ago
all the best
15 years ago
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
Go for it Babes!
15 years ago
+ £7.50 Gift Aid
Hope the training is going well
15 years ago
well done for going for it
15 years ago
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
go Gigga, go!!!
15 years ago
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
When you can't go any further - you're only half way!!
15 years ago
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
run like the wind or just run!
Event dates: 1st December 2009 – 31st May 2010
Dr Nicholas Herodotou is raising money for Barnabas Aid
I completed the London marathon in 5hr 35min-a bit slow but i did hardly any training, to raise money for Barnabus fund, which is a Christian charity that supports the persecuted Church around the world. Any amount you give will go directly to Barnabus Fund. I am also running for my local hospice-which is how i got a golden pass to run the marathon, but i will ask my non-Christian contacts to support that. Bless you for your support.
Info below taken from Barnabas Fund website: barnabasfund.org
The 'Barnabas Fund Distinctive'
What helps make Barnabas Fund distinctive from other Christian organisations which deal with persecution?
We work by:
directing our aid only to Christians, although its benefits may not be exclusive to them ("As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:10, emphasis added)
aiming the majority of our aid at Christians living in Muslim environments
channelling money from Christians through Christians to Christians
channelling money through existing structures in the countries where funds are sent (e.g. local churches or Christian organisations)
using the money to fund projects which have been developed by local Christians in their own communities, countries or regions
considering any request, however small
acting as equal partners with the persecuted Church, whose leaders often help shape our overall direction
acting on behalf of the persecuted Church, to be their voice - making their needs known to Christians around the world and the injustice of their persecution known to governments and international bodies
We seek to:
meet both practical and spiritual needs
encourage, strengthen and enable the existing local Church and Christian communities - so they can maintain their presence and witness rather than setting up our own structures or sending out missionaries
tackle persecution at its root by making known the aspects of the Islamic faith and other ideologies that result in injustice and oppression of non-believers
inform and enable Christians in the West to respond to the growing challenge of Islam to Church, society and mission in their own countries
facilitate global intercession for the persecuted Church by providing comprehensive prayer material
We believe:
we are called to address both religious and secular ideologies that deny full religious liberty to Christian minorities - while continuing to show God's love to all people
in the clear Biblical teaching that Christians should treat all people of all faiths with love and compassion, even those who seek to persecute them
in the power of prayer to change people's lives and situations, either through grace to endure or through deliverance from suffering
"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)
Statement of Faith:
We believe in the sovereignty and grace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in creation, providence, redemption and final judgement.
We believe in the divine inspiration of the Holy Scripture and its consequent entire trustworthiness and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe that human beings are made in the image of God, are created to love, serve, worship and enjoy God and are entrusted with stewardship of God's creation.
We believe in the universal sinfulness and guilt of humanity, making us subject to God's wrath and condemnation.
We believe in the sacrifice of the incarnate Son of God as our representative and substitute as being the sole and all-sufficient ground of redemption from the guilt and power of sin, and from its eternal consequences.
We believe in the justification of the sinner solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ crucified and risen from the dead.
We believe in the illuminating, regenerating, indwelling, sanctifying and empowering work of God the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the priesthood of all believers, who form the universal Church, the Body of which Christ is the Head, committed by His command to the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel throughout the world.
We believe in the personal, visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory.
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