8 years ago
Hash brown
This page is closed and is not accepting further donations
8 years ago
Hash brown
8 years ago
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
Good Luck to you both!
8 years ago
Good Luck to you both!
8 years ago
+ £25.00 Gift Aid
Good luck and for a good charity
8 years ago
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Good luck!
8 years ago
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Good luck Wayne - great cause :-)
8 years ago
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
You're a good boy
Event date: 14th January 2017
Wayne Kitchen is raising money for The St Bernard Trust
I am completing the SAS Winter Fan Dance, in order to raise funds for The St Bernard Trust. The Fan Dance is a gruelling 24km non-navigational race over two sides of Pen Y Fan, the highest mountain in the Brecon Beacons. This infamous route has long been a part of SAS (Special Air Service) and SBS (Special Boat Service) Selection and is considered the yardstick of a candidate's potential to perform well on Test Week and ultimately pass the Special Forces Selection programme. I decided to take on this challenge firstly, due to a close fiends 79 year old father signing up to the event. This really inspired me to test myself beyond my limits and see, if I have the more than so mental capability to complete this event. Why The St Bernard Trust has been my chosen charity of choice begins with a short story, involving a fluffy bundle of joy that slowly but surely has taken over our home. Larry our St Bernard came into our lives in January this year, after years of researching the breed and finally deciding to take on a pup. Slowly but surely this small delightful puppy turned into a giant, slobbering full of life dog whom now weighs more than my partner!. Again you might ask-Why the St Bernard Trust? Well anyone whom has had the pleasure of meeting Larry, will hopefully agree that there is just something about this fantastic breed that makes you smile. Walking through the streets, everyone stops and stares and runs up for Larry cuddles and he just makes everyone smile, even the local drunks! He has brought so much happiness into not just our lives but also so many others that he meets and the best thing is he's just being a him. The St Bernard Trust is the only official non profitable St. Bernard registered charity in the UK and are financed entirely by kind, generous voluntary donations. Established since 1988 they have helped rescue and rehome previously unwanted & often neglected saints. The Trust really do outstanding work for this amazing breed, who do need a lot of care and attention. In raising funds to help them continue the selfless work, I can only hope St's in need of a home can have that second opportunity to give other lucky people that feeling when you have a giant, slobbering dog give you a St Bernard hug. As stated before I really don't believe our little Larry, realises how much he makes everyone he see's smile and happy just for being him. In doing this its our way of saying thanks big lad and giving other St's the second chance they really deserve.
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