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Total raised so far


£10.00 of £500 target +£2.50 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

16 years ago



+ £2.50 Gift Aid

First 'wugger' - woo!

Beard Monkey

Event dates: 1st September 2008 – 30th September 2008

Zoe Thomas is raising money for Sobell House

My story

Beard for the Geronimo boys (those man enough) to raise money for Tribal Foundation....

roll up, roll up - Cast your eyes over some of the Geronimo Bearded wonders who are valiantly raising money for the Tribal Foundation. Behold - the wonder of Ross - whose beard grows faster than he can shave it. Gasp - at Ian's rainbow beard - with silver, grey and brown mixed together to a dazzling effect. Wince - as you hear Russ slowly walk out of the waxing room.... -and all in the name of charidy. chuck in a few quid - it's the least you can do...

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Zoe Thomas is fundraising for

Sobell House

Charity number: 1118646

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