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Total raised so far

£540.00 +£106.25 Gift Aid See breakdown

Recent donations

25th March 2023

Gloucestershire Humanists


29th December 2022

Rachel E


18th December 2022



+ £5.00 Gift Aid

To nicely round it up to £500 (or £600 once including GiftAid)

18th December 2022



+ £18.75 Gift Aid

11th December 2022

Ian Ephgrave


Contribution raised at Gloucestershire Humanists Christmas Meal

30th October 2022



+ £7.50 Gift Aid

14th October 2022

Gloucestershire Humanists


Donation as a token of thanks to Paddy, Carol, and Naomi for their talk on the work of CWR at our recent monthly meeting.

9th October 2022

Stephen Ashley


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Donation in lieu of breakfast

2nd October 2022

Ian Ephgrave


+ £7.50 Gift Aid

19th September 2022

Steve Ashley


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Donation for recent online breakfast

Gloucestershire Humanists 2022-2023 Charity of the Year Fundraiser

Event dates: 11th February 2022 – 9th February 2023

Gloucestershire Humanists are raising money for Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees

Our story

Following up from our AGM in mid-February, our ‘Charity of the Year’ for 2022–2023 is Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees, a charity that fosters compassion and cooperation between different communities in Cheltenham, helping local people understand the global refugee crisis and what people experience on their resettlement journey. We look forward to being able to support and raise funds for them throughout the year. Further details on their excellent work can be found here:

Gloucestershire Humanists (a partner group of Humanists UK) is an inclusive group with a shared interest in humanism, and the concept of being good without a god. We meet regularly to discuss local and world issues from a humanist perspective and to hear from a wide range of speakers about work they are doing to help others.

Thank you for checking out our page. Making a donation is fast, easy and secure thanks to Give as you Live Donate. They'll take your donation and pass it onto Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees.


Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees

Charity number: 1195256


Think Global. Act Local.

More great ways you can raise funds